Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday Finds

TGIF now means Thank Goodness It's Found at the Queso because from now until whenever, Fridays will feature cool finds, favorites, and fabulousness. (We're joining Mark in bringing fabulous back. Yeah.) And here's what I'm loving this week.

Where Women Glow and Men Plunder.
I ran across this blog called Moda Muse, a tribute to independent, modern Australian and New Zealand designers, artisans and crafters. And it is simply chock full of fantastic finds and designs including...

These fun shoes from Preston Zyl Design.

And this great bag from Anna Laura.

The Most Important Job Cards.
I actually ordered some of these this week because I hate giving out my day job cards to the Hurricane's school friends' moms after scribbling in who I really am, mother of the Category 5. Because, honestly, they really could not care less about my day job title or my daytime work fax digits. They really just want to know who to call to help with the teacher luncheon bags and spring carnival auction. Or whatever. Hm. On second thought, maybe I shouldn't have ordered them. (Oh, um, ha ha, just kidding about that, Duckling Class moms. Love ya. Really. Glad to help out. Etc.)

I found these at Event Bliss.
Coincidentially, Design Mom also mentioned parental cards from
Fruition Design.

Meet The Music!

Last week I iTune gifted my sweetheart with the latest greatest offering from the band we both listened to nonstop our freshman year in college. On tapes. On players powered by teeny, tiny dinosaurs. Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT long ago... But The Smithereens are back. And they're covering the Beatles. And I think it can't get much better. Pat DiNizio singing Paul McCartney. Hello. Perfection. Check it.

“Dude, she’s Callie O’Malley.”

The best line from last night's Grey's Anatomy. And I've said it before a million times, but I likey the Alex. (I've always liked him best. Well, second best, next to George.) And if you likey the show and don't read Grey Matter, the show's writers' blog, well, you should. I'm serious.

And Happy Friday.

*Feel free to send me any recs for future Friday Fave picks to helloqueso at gmail dot com. I'll hook you up with all the credit.

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