You might have heard a little bit about this book. Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld. There's been some buzz on the Internet, and on oh, Oprah. But that's what tends to happen when you create something lovely. And also when you know people. Probably. Jessica Seinfeld fits in both of these categories. The knowing and the doing. And she has done a great job at putting together a fun little recipe book with "simple secrets to get your kids eating good food."
She's a self-proclaimed non-professional chef. But she came up with some ideas that work and have been "relentlessly" tested on her own kids (and what's his name).
It's all about hiding vegetables in food.
Carrots in Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffins. Butternut squash in Mac and Cheese. Mushrooms and Zucchini in Burgers. Spinach in Brownies. You get the gist.
The thing is, I've tried some of these, and they're great! And I'm not just loving them for the Hurricane, I'm digging that I'm tricking myself. Anyway I can get more food in my food and not notice is alright by me.
Then check it out.
Parent Bloggers Network sent me a copy. It's wonderfully art directed with a total retro feel. A great addition to the collection. But this one, I'm actually using. If only to consume more veggies myself.
Besides not being able to read the title without the Lucky Charms theme song running through my head, I love this book. It's so freaking cute. Love the concept, the illustrations, the whole package. So all that said...
GIVEAWAY ALERT: Want to check it out? Leave a comment. I'll give one away. You have until Monday night at midnight to comment and we'll draw a lucky winner whoohoo. And as always, I seriously hope you win.
Thanks for the great giveaway! :)
LilacButterfly [at] earthlink.net
Id really love to have this.. I hate veggies and I need to eat more!
Count me in please!!
Oh! Would so love to win!
Can there be a wrong way to get kids to eat vegetables? Isn't this every mums dream and then we wake up. I would love to see Jessica's ideas.
It would help to sign in so you have access to my email if I'm the lucky winner.
I really want this book!
I saw this book on Oprah and The Today Show. I'd love this! Not only for my child but for myself. I hate most vegetables and really don't get enough so this would be perfect!
Also saw her on Oprah - would love to have the book!!!
I'd love to have this book. My kids don't eat enough veggies.
I can never have enough cookbooks for the kids...
I need this, so I can practice what I preach!
Please include me!
I would love this book!
Please include me in your drawing!
I keep hearing about this book, I know I should just go buy it, but well, $$ is what is is, or rather is not. Please enter me in your drawing and thanks for the opportunity! P.S. does it really work?
Thanks again!
This looks like a great book. Would love to try it out!
I'd love to have this book!
I'd love to read this because I'm such a skeptic. I'm wondering if it's like learning to eat zucchini bread. ;)
I've been trying to find this book. No bookstores around me carry it. Getting two little boys and a "big" boy (hubby) to eat veggies, just not happening in this house.
i am dying to win this!
Love the concept. Would love to have this book.
Thank you for the awesome giveaway! Our family would seriously benefit from sneaking nutrients into our favorite foods!
Oh, this works for husbands too! I use blueberries and apples in brownies and chocolate cake and sweet potatoes in muffins. But I'd love some new recipes!
Cool! All of us need more veggies - I think this book would also be good for a bride-to-be who wants to eat healthy after she gets married. Hint hint. I mean me.
What a clever way to sneak in more veggies!
I'd love to have this to sneak in veggies in more meals for my husband!
Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity!
count me in
bebemiqui82 (at) yahoo (dot) com
What a great idea!! More veggies for all!
I would love to win this. I wouldn't go so far as Jessica and lie to my kids about the healthy additions, but I would love to just make the food healthier, for everyone! Thanks for the great giveaway.
as my toddler would say, "I NEEEED it!"
need this
This looks great - I'd love to try it out!!
i just heard about this book and wanted to check it out. That's great!
I am enamoured with this book and have been dying to get my hands on it!
Ooh, I could use some tricks to get my son to eat some veggies.
With all the hype surrounding this book, I'd love to get it and see if it really works!
In my case, its my dear HUBBY who won't eat the veggies... I love them, we had a vegetable garden growing up and all summer, that's all we ate... so I have to find a way to get him to eat them... and not turn the kids off in the process (she's 2 and he's 5 months..very impressionabe)!!
Can't wait to read this book!!
I am drooling over this book. Butternut squash quesadillas? Yum!
I really would love to win a copy to give as a gift!
I'm DYING to try this book out! Please randomly select me!
This would be a lovely addition to my cookbook collection
I could so use this for my fussy eater....here's hoping!
Oooooh! Pick me! Pick me! :)
I've read so much about this book, now I'd love to get to read the book! It sounds great!
Yum yum sounds good!
We would love this and put it to very good use. Thanks for the chance to win it.
What parent doesn't need a little help in this area? Count me in! Good luck to all!
notmuchmorethanthis [at] g mail [dot] com
Zucchini is my secret weapon - lots of ways to hide this magic veggie! I would love to learn other ways to get my kids eating the veggies they should.
workfrmhomemom [atat] gmail.com
This would be great.
ltellev @ yahoo dot com
This is on my wish list!
Oh yes, I NEED this book! Include me, please!
I'd love to try some of these recipes out on my kids! :)
I would seriously LOVE to win! More veggies in my kid? AND in myself and my husband? Sign me up!
I keep hearing about this book and would love to read it!
I'd love to see if my husband could tell the diference.
I REALLY want to get my hands on this book! Thanks for entering me!
Hope I win!
I would love to win this!
I blogged ya in my Wednesday Edition of Contests Galore
my 26 month old loves to feed his vegies to the dog- unfortunately the dog doesnt care for them either- which means that the broom gets a daily workout- Id love to hide the vegies so he (and the dog gets less present) will eat them. Thank you!
I would love to have this book - I'm not very creative and my son eats barely anything healthy :(
I've heard so much about this book and would love to have a copy! Please enter me.
Cool giveaway!!
Awesome! I am linking to your giveaway.
I would love to win this. I've heard SO much about it! Good things.
Count me in- My skinny boy needs more calories- especially healthy ones!
I was at a friend's and she served us something from this book...yummy! I would love to win it!
Le Anne
count me in :)
Not only do I need this for my daughter, but my husband and nephew as well!
We have been itching to try this book since we bought a similar one. Great contest. Feel free to leave a comment at my blog if I should be the lucky winner.
this book looks awesome!!!! Can't wait to read.
This concept is great. I'd love to see this book in my collection.
I love the idea of getting healthy stuff into food. Let's get Bix started on the right track!
I need to eat more vegetables - this sounds like a great way to incorporate them - thanks for the chance to win! necaton at hotmail dot com
Let me tell you how much I would love to win this! Taylor, my 5 yr old little preemie is a seriously picky eater. He even asks each time he sits down for dinner if there is veggies in ANY of his foods. This would really help out my little guy.
I am really trying to find more creative ways to get my oldest to eat his veggies, and I think this would be perfect! Enter me please! :)
This would be a great way for me to get some new ideas to cook (and might even motivate me to have ideas of what's for dinner BEFORE my husband gets home. Ha ha ha!).
I've heard so much press about this book - I just have to have a copy!
OH, I want this book! I placed it on hold at my library, but I'm number 405 on the list (yes, that's four-hundred and four people in front of me.) The library doesn't even have the book yet, and it'll be years before I see it at this point. I ould love to have my own copy!
This would be great to have!
I'd love to have this book!
I've heard a lot about this book! :) Would love the chance to win a copy! freebiequeen99 (at) gmail (dot) com
Maybe there's hope for my kids to eat veggies?!?! :)
Would LOVE to try this book!!
I would love to read this....I need a good new book
I want this sooo bad... With six kiddos I need all the help I can get to get them all to eat healthy!!
I REALLY want this book, but when I checked, they were all out and had to print more. Winning one would be great. Thanks for the chance.
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net
Also saw her on Oprah - would love to have the book!!! My 2.5 year old won't eat veggies, only fruit so anything that can help, would be awesome!
want to win it!
My spinach hater needs this one!
I really, really want this book! My friend makes some to-die-for zucchini brownies but spinach? That sort of takes the challenge to the next level, you know?
Having three children with all variety of veggie eaters I need this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Please enter me, and thank you. :)
Me, too! Me, too!
I'm in for the drawing!!!
I just had a baby on Tuesday - I deserve a free cookbook!!
Thanks for offering the book as a prize! Pick me!
Oh - I've been wanting this book since it came out, but felt like I should at least wait until Christmas. (Maybe now I won't have to wait?)
Naomi, You won! Email me.
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