Rose Rock has one famous son. But more impressive, she raised 17 children and foster children. So she's super successful. How did she raise all these kids I ask?
She had 10 rules.
And she shares them in this most fantastic book:
Mama Rock's Rules (Ten Lessons for Raising a Household of Successful Children). The lovely parent bloggers of
Parent Bloggers Network sent me this book to review it. And I must say, even though I'm only a moderate Chris Rock comedy fan, I loved this book.
Loved. This. Book.
Each rule is broken up into chapters with titles like "I Am Your Mama, Not Your Friend", "Push Unable Off The Table", "Spirituality is Not Just For Sundays" and "Don't Lie Down With Anything You Don't Want To Live With Forever". No nonsense.
Seriously great.
But the included advice and sections are my absolute favorites. In fact, I firmly believe Ms. Rock should put out a tshirt line with some of her one liners. Because I want shirts with Roseisms on them like this:
"Don't Quack Like a (Gangsta) Duck - Unless You Are a (Gangsta) Duck"
"Feed Them and They Will Tell You Everything"
"If They Don't Accept You Because of Your Hair: Don't Be There"
I don't want to go into too much detail and give anything away, but this is a must read. A fresh, wholesome very direct approach about raising kids. Because, really, when you're raising 17, who has the time to mess around?
And okay, sure, it takes way more than just a book to raise so many successful people. But it's a great read and a great way to think about this all-important job of parenting. As far as I'm concerned, she knows what she's talking about. At least 16 times more than I do. At least.
So it's official. This is officially my favorite Mother's Day gift I've seen so far. You can buy it
here. You can also watch a fun video of an interview with Rose Rock
Want to win one? Leave a comment here. The Hurricane will draw a winner by Friday morning. And seriously, I hope you win.